London Studio Centre maintains its high-quality provision through stringent quality assurance procedures. These include validation of a range of programmes by Middlesex University, Office for Students registered provider status, Accredited provider school for the Council for Dance, Drama and Musical Theatre, and successful quality assurance reviews by the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education.

All undergraduate and post graduate programmes were developed and are delivered and assessed by London Studio Centre, and are awarded by and quality assured by Middlesex University.

London Studio Centre is an accredited provider of the Council for Dance, Drama and Musical Theatre (CDMT). The CDMT ensures the provision of high-quality professional dance and musical theatre training through accreditation of full-time dance and performing arts schools and has provided the industry benchmark of quality assurance for professional dance and musical theatre training in the UK since 1979.

LSC is a registered provider of the Office for Students (OfS) which enables students access to Student Finance and Visa’s for International Students.  LSC is a highly trusted sponsor of UKVI providing the Student Route visa for EU and International students.

London Studio Centre’s most recent review for Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA) took place in 2022.  Their report is available in full here, along with previous year’s reports here.

LSC received the following judgements from QAA about its higher education provision:

  • There can be confidence that academic standards are reliable, meet UK requirements, and are reasonably comparable
  • There can be confidence that the quality of the student academic experience meets relevant baseline regulatory requirements.

No areas for development or improvements were identified.